Why Take the ACT?
The ACT is interchangeable with the SAT in the US admissions process. The ACT is another chance to show your academic capabilities and some students prefer it! There are some slight differences in content, but US universities see these tests as equals. Contact us to learn specifics!
60 hours of focused classroom time
100+ expert-created video lessons
Unlimited access to ACT Advantage practice materials
3 scheduled practice tests
8 additional full-length and 8 single-section practice tests
Access to materials starts the minute you enrol
Access all our practice drills and instructional videos, so you will be ready no matter when your test date is
36 hours of classroom instruction
4 Practice Tests with informative feedback on your scores and where you should focus your prep
Review and practice books
100+ expert-created video lessons
Unlimited access to ACT Advantage Practice Materials
Access to materials starts the minute you enrol
Access access all our practice drills and instructional videos, so you will be ready no matter when your test date is.
Designed for students who score a 31 or more on the practice test.
24 hours instruction
10 full-length practice tests
1,500+ practice questions and 137+ online drills
100+ expert-created interactive video lessons
The Princeton Review’s textbook includes ACT Course Manual 10.0
Interactive score reports to track progress